Visionary Executive Leader, Expert on Saudi Music, Arabian Heritage, Higher Education, Renaissance Music. Professor of Musicology & Ethnomusicology
Lisa Urkevich, PhD
د. ليسا
Early Music Publications
• “Music Books of Women: Private Treasures and Personal Revelations.” Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Early Modern Women and Material Culture Vol. 4 (2009): 175-85.
• Book chapter: “Mary Harvey, The Lady Dering (1629-1704)” in Women Composers: An Historical Anthology, Boston: G. K. Hall, 2: 195-200, 1996.
• Book Review “Clément Marot: The Mirror of the Prince, Ahmed Ehsan. Charlottesville: Rockwood Press, 2005.” In Sixteenth Century Journal: The Journal of Early Modern Studies. Vol. 39 Spring (2008): 268-269.
Great Lives/Events from History: The Renaissance and Early Modern Era, 1454-1600. Ed. Christina J. Moose. 2 vols. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2005.
• “Anne of Brittany, 1477-1514; Queen of France,” I: 48-50.
• “Foundation of the Saud Dynasty, c. 1500,” I: 1-3.
• “Thomas Tallis, c. 1505-85; English Composer,“ 2: 918-19.
Great Lives/Events from History: The Seventeenth Century: 1601-1700. Ed. Larissa Juliet Taylor. 2 vols.
Pasadena: Salem Press, 2006.
• “Barbara Strozzi, 1619-64; Italian Composer and Musician,” 2: 888-90.
• “Francesca Caccini, 1587-1641; Italian Composer, Singer, and Teacher," 1: 111-12.
• “Emergence of Baroque Music, c. 1601," I: 35-38.
Great Lives from History: The Eighteenth Century: 1701-1800. Ed. John Powell. 2 vols. Pasadena: Salem Press, 2006.
• “Abd Al-Wahab, 1703-92; Arabia, Founder of the "Wahabi"/Salafi Islamic Movement.”